Inside the Hollow
As one of the first eco-healthy enviromental schools in the state of Oregon, we believe in providing families and young learners with a space and place that honors all childrens' needs to explore and experiment with the world around them in authenic and diverse ways, both inside of the classrooms and outside in nature. Utilizing constructivist learning theories, inquiry based experimentation and rich integrative subject areas, students work on expanding themselves and their skill sets in meaningful and exciting ways. Along side of the academic, conscious discipline is a comprehensive school management program that guides each member, both adult and student, to learn, acquire and practice skills sets needed to manage important life tasks in a safe, non-judgemental and respectful space.

The Small Details

We provide an additional focus on mindfulness and kindness within our community of learners. Yoga, mediation, mindfulness transitional practices and deep breathing activities are part of our daily practices. Having adventures in learning is exciting but challenging for many students so practicing a mental state of awareness on the present moment, while calmly communicating, acknowledging and accepting feelings, thoughts and body sensations, allows students the ability to self-regulate, function and grow in more positive and extended ways. We also provide a gardening curriculum that offers each classroom year round science activities and jobs within our on-campus garden. Growing our own food, gathering eggs, feeding, watering, nurturing and playing with our beautiful feathered ladies in the garden are activites and practices we think are valuable and signifant. We reuse, recyle and repurpose!!